Rakau Whakapapa - Memory Sticks

Rakau Whakapapa - Memory Sticks


About This Item: These pendants are small versions of the traditional genealogy sticks. Each carved design would be allocated to a person and the events and special places associated with that person. This allows us to keep these memories with us or give them to others in a way that shows their beauty.

About Abstract Designs: Many of these designs are based on traditional kowhaiwhai painting where the white story lines balance the dark areas between. Here the cut out spirit shapes balance the physical bone or stone and / or, the smooth areas balance the textured. A special aspect of the cut outs is that when worn, the viewers see the person behind the carving who thus becomes a part of the carving’s spirit

Protocol: Traditionally these treasures are given personal names and you are invited to continue that tradition.

Material: Bone. All the bone for these carvings are from farmed animals and are not therefore restricted by CITES conventions for border restrictions if travelling. The cords are of adjustable length for convenience.

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